In an industry where intellectual capital is the primary business driver, enhancing the quality of such intellect and retaining it over the years, drives sustainable success. Hauz Pharma has a strong belief that its employees are its greatest assets. Hauz Pharma is a company very well recognized for the fact that it does its best to retain its employees and at the same time bring out their best. It is our endeavour to motivate and develop every employee’s skills in a manner that leads to optimum utilization of Human Resources, which subsequently results in the attainment of the objectives of the organization. An infectious spirit of co operation and mutual trust with an overall orientation towards the achievement of Total Customer Responsiveness has been induced among the employees at Hauz Pharma. It is this spirit which forms the root of the work culture.
To achieve such a high level of motivation, efficiency and trust, Hauz Pharma has been striving consistently by providing :
- A helpful, healthy and warm environment.
- Maintaining a two-way communication process, keeping the employees well informed about all matters relating to the company.
- Providing competitive salaries, at par with the best in the Industry.
- Instilling a sense of teamwork and mutual trust.
- Treating all employees as one and equal.
- Encouraging employees to come up with suggestions for improving the quality of its services and attaining total customer satisfaction.
Hauz Pharma believes in an open door policy. All employees are free to take their problems to their immediate superiors who are readily available. All employees are also welcome to take any of their problems to the Human Resource Department. An atmosphere of openness and a sense of belonging prevail in the entire length and breadth of Hauz Pharma.